
Showing posts from April, 2024

Roe v. Wade/Heart v. Spade

                                                                                 ( Obviously this is old.) Spontaneous abortion . That’s the paperwork term for a miscarriage. “It sounds harsh,” the doctor warned me. It sure did. I had a positive pregnancy test on April Fools Day; May Day morning I miscarried in my bathroom. I knew it was coming: the day of the Roe v. Wade leak, an ultrasound confirmed that my nearly eight-week fetus was measuring closer to six weeks, no cardiac activity detected. I remembered the tech from my first pregnancy, and I knew something was wrong as soon as she stopped talking. She had the screen facing me, and I was looking for the thing I couldn’t hear, the little lub-dubs from a heart that never beat. Samuel Alito was appointed to the Supreme Court during ...